Privacy Policy

As per the rules and regulations decided by the European Union General Data Protection Regulation, we are mentioning here the complete detail on how we store, process and access your data.

Purpose and legal requirement behind the processing:

Valiant Cloud cleaner will process your data to accomplish following objectives:

Properly managing pre-contractual or contractual relationships with end-users. Also, ensuring continuous engagement in controlling and managing devices in order to render services, manage complaints, and optimize technical services, and send users reminders regarding the renewal of licenses.

If users do not accept to provide all required data to ensure the recommended protection offered by us, we will not be able to accomplish pre-contractual or contractual relations with them.

Period of Data Retention

We store your personal data for the time you are in a contractual relationship with us, and once this relation terminates, the concerned civil, fiscal, financial, or criminal regulations will be in effect. Moreover, if contractual relation with end-user is not created, the time of data retention will be of six years.

Receivers of personal data

We ensure every end-users, that we will never shift your data to any of the third party in any of the circumstances, until and unless we have no legal obligation by corresponding public bodies. Other than this, this information is also notable for every user, that your data will be accessed by following parties and purposes:

Service providers of software or hardware technology

Advertising and marketing service providers who contribute in the launch of special offers and promotions

A company that associates with the Valiant software group for the purpose of accomplishing contractual relations with end-users.

Distributors of the product.

Our Privacy Rights Every End User Should Know

Every end-user should know your rights:

1- Right to know what type of your personal information is accessed, and what kind of activities are to be performed on that.

2- The right to ask us to correct or modify your information anytime.

3- Right to delete your personal information by asking us for it.

4- End user has the right to put an object on processing personal data for any of the reasons.

5- End-user has the right to ask us to send him a copy of the information that is provided by them while associating with the Valiant cloud security system.

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