Terms and Conditions

The valiant security solution is concerned with providing every user to get access to highly secure and advanced software technology making into the marketplace. This terms and condition page covers the condition of the use of the website, general terms of Valiant Security antivirus.

Before using our website, you need to make sure you accept our terms and conditions in the marketplace.

Valiant Security, hereby notifies the end-user some terms and obligations needed while he/she is in touch with our website or availing the services.

Valiant Security, guarantees, to completely follow required consumer protection law for the security of the required interests of users through the complete process to contract the products or services, content accessible through the website.

The end-user who either accesses the website uses our product or enters his/her details in the form

provided by Valiant security to avail any of the service or content, is the one who is responsible for the authenticity and correctness of the entered data.

ACCEPTANCE Of The Conditions For the usage of Website

The present situations, with any conditions to apply for regulating the relationship based on contract by the user on visiting the valiant website. The end-user accepts to follow, the terms and conditions of a software product that he is using. The end-user, therefore, is suggested to read the contract every time as they can be changed from time to time depending upon the update or some change in software technology.

By agreeing on terms and conditions the user accepts that

He or she is legally bound with the execution of the agreement

He/ accepts current conditions.

Condition While Accessing Website or using the product

Access Valiant website is without charge, and the user undertakes and takes guarantee to use the website according to the required legislation. To this end, the user accepts to

1- Not to use Valiant for illegal purposes or for the purposes of infringing the rights or interests of Valiant security.

2- Remain far away fro activity that can create harm, damage, or impede the normal functioning of the website.

3- Not use the website, product, or service for unlawful activities.

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